virgin islands scene

Lying is done with words and also with silence.
-- Adrienne Rich


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

It all comes back

The most profound joy is in giving joy. The most inescapable pain is to cause pain.

Your actions affect your own life in the manner and to the cumulative degree they affect others. That can be a beautiful experience or a terrible, unbearable one, depending on the nature of those actions.

Offer to the world whatever you seek to obtain. Amplify the goodness accessible to you by sharing it far beyond you.

Be mindful of the very real and enduring connection between you and all of life. Wherever else your behavior is directed, it is surely directed also at you.

Make wise and beneficial use of the connectedness that is always present in life. Act as if anything that flows out from you flows back in even greater measure, for that is certainly the case.

Send out love, courage, joy, meaning. It all comes back to you.

— Ralph Marston

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