virgin islands scene

Man's biggest mistake is to believe that he's working for someone else.
-- Nashua Cavalier


Thursday, September 7, 2023

Life well lived

Accept nothing less than truth, competence, responsibility, from yourself and everyone else. Life is too precious, meaningful, and filled with opportunity to conduct yourself in any other way.

Nothing of any lasting, life-enriching value is gained by deception. Nothing good comes of sloppy, half-hearted effort or destructive, irresponsible behavior.

Every moment of every day you have the chance to learn, to love, to experience, to create, to live the truth and the beauty. You can always work to bring about the deeply fulfilling experience of doing your honest and authentic best.

You don’t have to settle for a cheap, flimsy imitation of a life well lived. You deserve the real thing, and have every ability to make it happen.

Yes, a life of genuine excellence has always been a challenge and always will be. Yet within that challenge you are sure to find immense and incomparable value.

Always make the choice that falls on the side of truth, of integrity, of excellence. In every case, it’s the only choice worth making.

— Ralph Marston

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