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One act of beneficence, one act of real usefulness, is worth all the abstract sentiment in the world.
-- Ann Radcliffe


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Confronting fear

There are times when you must run from what frightens you. It’s a natural reaction and one that protects you from harm.

But it can also be important to approach, investigate, and seek to become familiar with what you’re afraid of. For your fears point toward opportunities for strengthening your courage.

By confronting a particular fear you experience your own ability to do so. That can help you to avoid or escape the grip of other fears.

Life certainly has its dangers, and you’re wise to maintain a level of fear toward them. Yet sometimes you must act in the face of fear, and it’s good to give yourself experience at doing that.

Small children understand this, and often become highly curious about life’s frightening aspects. That’s not a desire to hide from fear, but an attempt at learning how to navigate a perilous world.

Such skills are valuable to know, to practice, and to strengthen. Identify fears that you can reasonably confront, and grow your courage by doing so.

— Ralph Marston

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