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Fall down seven times, stand up eight.
-- Japanese Proverb


Monday, July 17, 2023

Increasingly positive direction

The life you’ve lived has successfully gotten you to this point. Now expand on that success.

Your experience has not been perfect, but neither has it been a complete disaster. It’s positioned you to move beyond what hasn’t worked well and to more fully embrace all that has been helpful.

Encourage yourself to be thankful for all you’ve been through so far. With a perspective of gratitude, you can appreciate and utilize the great value life’s experiences have provided to you.

At this point you can smile about the disappointments of the past. Because you know how much they’ve enabled you to grow.

You’re also at a place where you can understand what has made the good times so good. As you apply that understanding going forward, there are many more positive memories to be made.

See the profound success that’s evidenced by your presence in this moment. Continue the momentum, and commit yourself to keep life going in an increasingly positive direction.

— Ralph Marston

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