virgin islands scene

It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
-- Walt Disney


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Making meaning

You don’t find meaning so much as you make it. In any arena of life, the meaning you experience is a function of what you put into it.

Is a particular job, or relationship, or journey meaningful? That depends on how you invest yourself in it.

Embracing responsibility, working through challenge, being creative, dependable, persistent, these create meaning. In spending time and utilizing resources, life’s meaning is lived.

Places that have no meaning for anyone else can be especially meaningful to you because of what you’ve done in those places. Consider what you’re doing today to make meaning in the place where you are.

Offer time, attention, and effort to it, and it will have meaning. Do what you can do, and what you do brings new meaning into being.

Life is as meaningful as you choose to make it. With your time, with your focus, with your actions, make meaning.

— Ralph Marston

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