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Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.
-- Thomas Alva Edison


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

No magic bullet

There is no magic bullet, no blanket immunity that can protect you from every one of life’s difficulties. But there is strength, along with fortitude, persistence, resourcefulness, diligence, innovation and more.

You cannot wall yourself off from the troubles. What you can do is equip yourself to successfully deal with them.

What you can do is nurture deep and lasting relationships built on trust, respect, and integrity. You can gain experience at adapting to new, different, and changing situations.

You can set aside any tendency toward arrogance and do the work to build genuine confidence. You can let go of any sense of entitlement and put forth time and effort to become more competent and effective.

You can savor the beauty, the joy, the moments when circumstances work in your favor. You can appreciate, value, and learn from all the good work of all the real people who came before you.

None of this is particularly easy, and that’s what makes it so powerful. There’s nothing you can do to avoid every problem and pain, yet there’s everything you can do to live with purpose, richness, and fulfillment.

— Ralph Marston

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