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All change is not growth; as all movement is not forward.
-- Ellen Glasgow


Monday, May 15, 2023

Push through resistance

It’s not particularly useful to examine why you experience resistance. The key is to break through that resistance and to get your work done.

You feel guilty, reluctant, ashamed, bored, fearful, frustrated, indecisive, and so much more. But those are just feelings, and they can influence your actions only to the extent you let them.

Do you really want to feel better? Then choose to focus more on what you can do, and less on what you feel.

Your feelings are real, they matter. And you can significantly improve your feelings by putting them aside and working in the direction of achievement.

Push through the initial barrier of your resistance. Then keep going, step by step, getting good things done.

Even when you don’t feel like doing it, you can take action. Even when your internal resistance is strong, your desire, your will, your intention can be stronger.

— Ralph Marston

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