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The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.
-- Maureen Dowd


Monday, April 3, 2023

Experience that you can

Start what you’re a little bit afraid to do, and follow it through to completion. Discover a reservoir of strength you never knew you had.

Then move on to another activity that brings a little more trepidation. Work your way through it and feel the reality of heightened and authentic confidence you’ve just created.

It’s easy to tell yourself you can’t do something. It’s a whole lot more powerful to experience that you can.

The easy things to do are also easy to forget. The difficult, challenging, somewhat frightening experiences become stories you carry and treasure and share for life.

Do you want a day you’ll forget about tomorrow? Or would you rather create meaningful substance that will endure for years?

Remind yourself that yes, you can. Then prove to yourself that it’s true.

— Ralph Marston

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