Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Meaningful use of time
You cannot create more hours in the day or more days in the year. Yet you can always make more meaningful use of the time you have.
That does not mean cramming every part of the day full of busyness and activity. It means prioritizing all you do, with the highest priority on what matters most.
Can you identify activities in your life that consume time yet provide negligible value to anyone, including you? Would it really be so difficult to give less time to them?
Time can be a highly valuable resource or it can be a wasted resource. It all depends on whether or not the time you spend adds to the richness of life.
Every minute you invest in one direction is a minute you’ve chosen not to invest in all the other possible directions. Make sure your choice benefits life while acknowledging the value and potential of life.
What is meaningful to you? Whoever or whatever that may be, the most impactful way to give your support is with your time.
— Ralph Marston

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