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Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure.
-- Earl Wilson


Friday, February 24, 2023

Your choice now

You’ve had numerous successes in your life and you’re destined for more. In matters large and small, when you make the choice you make the effort.

So the question to repeatedly ask yourself is this. What will you now choose?

How will you make the most meaningful and fulfilling use of the time and resources available to you? Which of the many pathways will you now decide to follow?

Over and over again, when you truly commit yourself to a goal you’ve been able to reach it. If something is important enough, if it is an authentic priority, you know how to make it happen.

So what priorities will you choose right now? Upon what will you focus your proven powers of achievement?

Whatever you make into a priority has a decent chance of becoming real. Choose your priorities right now with care, because you are indeed choosing how your life will soon be.

— Ralph Marston

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