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Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts.
-- Soren Kierkegaard


Thursday, February 23, 2023

Good living to do

Your problems will not all be solved by tomorrow. Yet by tomorrow, you can make consequential progress toward getting many of them solved.

You won’t arrive at the life of your dreams by the end of next week. Yet you do have plenty of meaningful options you can act upon to bring those dreams closer each day.

Life is not perfect, and will not be perfect anytime soon. Even so, you have much good living to do today, tomorrow, and all the days that follow.

Many of the good things in life take time. The sooner you start to move toward them, the longer you’ll be able to benefit from them.

Plus, the value of any improvement begins long before the improvement is complete. Just knowing that you’re working in a positive direction can add a very real sense of fulfillment to each moment.

The future favors those who take the time and trouble to invest themselves in it. Right now is when you can do precisely that.

— Ralph Marston

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