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We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse.
-- Rudyard Kipling


Saturday, February 11, 2023

Solid focus and effort

You have a little bit of time and a lot to do. That’s not a good reason to be in a frantic rush.

Do your best to focus all your attention on one task and get it done before moving on. Worrying about what you need to do next won’t help what you’re doing now or what you’re doing next.

Few people ever have as much time as they would like. Even so, many people are able to accomplish all sorts of amazing things with the time they do have.

You can too, right here, right now. Just give good, quality attention to the work at hand.

Conditions are not ideal, perhaps you’ve been put in an unfair position, the task is difficult and complicated. Yet you have the ability to set aside all those factors you can’t control.

When you do that, the results can be almost magical. Without the frantic rush, with no agonizing over the difficulties, with solid focus and effort, there’s much you can achieve.

— Ralph Marston

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