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Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change.
-- Thomas Hardy


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Specific priorities

When you think about your future and what you want to do with your life, you envision specific priorities. When you wake up each morning and go through the day, you do so with specific priorities.

Do those priorities you follow on a moment-to-moment basis closely match your long-term priorities? If not, you’re failing to follow those lifetime priorities.

By their very nature, priorities determine what takes precedence for you. They inform and direct your thoughts, your actions, and the results you create.

You cannot have two or more sets of priorities that are in conflict with each other. What you end up with are actual priorities being followed and others being imagined but not acted upon.

So which is it? When you choose what to do over the next fifteen minutes, or three hours, what priorities are driving those choices?

Make sure the priorities you actually follow are the priorities you desire for the whole of your life. The time to do that is not someday but today, not eventually but now.

— Ralph Marston

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