virgin islands scene

Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean.
-- Goethe


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Lasting value

What can you do today? There are plenty of options, yet they’re not all of equal value.

Choose the activities that add richness to your life and to the lives around you. Spend your time not merely passing the time but filling it with life.

The world offers you endless ways to feel good in the moment, for just a moment. But you, and your unique life, are meant for much more than that.

Seek those activities and experiences you can feel good about long after you’re done with them. Don’t settle for vanishing pleasures when you can create lasting value and fulfillment.

When faced with a choice between enticing and enriching, go with enriching. Consider what you’re thankful for doing five years ago, and do more of those kinds of things.

Today you have a couple handfuls of irreplaceable hours in front of you. Give them the respect, consideration and substance that they, and you, deserve.

— Ralph Marston

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