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Shun idleness, it is the rust that attaches itself to the most brilliant metals.
-- Voltaire


Tuesday, October 25, 2022


You don’t have to be rich to be generous. You do have to be generous to be truly rich.

You don’t have to have an elaborate support system to be focused and disciplined, or responsible, or honest. You can choose those enriching values, and many others, regardless of your background or current situation.

The good fortune of one person does not reduce the potential for anyone else’s good fortune. Indeed, prosperity, thriving, and genuine excellence all lead to much more of the same.

What primarily makes life good is not what you start with or what others do or say or have. The purposes and values with which you choose to live are the main drivers of the way your life unfolds.

Economic, political, environmental, cultural circumstances all have an influence on your experience of life. Yet more consequential than those things are your intentions and choices, day after day, year upon year.

Keep on choosing what’s true, what’s good, what has lasting value, what has meaning beyond the moment. Keep on creating new and authentic goodness for yourself and your world.

— Ralph Marston

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