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A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent in doing nothing.
-- George Bernard Shaw


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Push through

Pushing through a physical challenge strengthens your body. Pushing through a mental challenge sharpens your mind.

It’s often preferable to choose your own challenges. Yet no matter where a challenge comes from, treat it as an opportunity to increase your competence.

Your attitude is what transforms obstacle into opportunity. Make the commitment to push through, and reap the rewards that await you on the other side.

You are specifically designed and equipped to push through life’s most meaningful challenges. In the past you’ve found great fulfillment in doing so, and an even more promising future beckons.

Push through, because it’s what you’re good at and it’s what makes you better. Push through, because it benefits and advances all you care about.

You can keep going, you can continue achieving, you can make a difference again and again. Push through, and discover how very much more you’re able to do.

— Ralph Marston

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