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Not the fruit of experience but experience itself, is the end.
-- Walter Pater


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Attention and intention

You go about your life each day immersed in an attention economy. Wherever you are, physically and virtually, marketers, advertisers, and self-styled influencers use every trick they have to grab your attention.

Their goal is to alter your behavior, compelling you to do what you otherwise would not have done. Once they get your click, your like, your view, your comment, your purchase, your recommendation, your data, that transaction is over and another begins.

Over and over again, as long as you choose to continue, you give away your precious time and attention to all sorts of people doing all kinds of things. In exchange you receive disjointed moments of empty amusement, heated outrage, eye candy, and various cheap thrills that add negligible value to your life.

How do you avoid being sucked into such an enticing and life-wasting vortex? You moderate and control the valuable asset of your attention with the power of your intention.

You focus on a meaningful purpose for your life, for the day, for the hour and moment you’re in, and you stick with that purpose. You remain aware enough to notice your surroundings while intentional enough to avoid being deterred from the task you have chosen to do.

This is your life, your attention, your action, your effort. Remind yourself constantly to invest it all in what is truly meaningful and valuable to you.

— Ralph Marston

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