virgin islands scene

The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.
-- Maureen Dowd


Monday, December 20, 2021

Talk yourself back into it

Is there something you want to experience or need to accomplish that you’ve talked yourself out of doing? Maybe you can talk yourself back into it.

Is it really so bad as you imagined it? Or have your thoughts just made it seem that way?

Think what could happen if you took an initial step. Imagine the result if that gave you the courage and enthusiasm to take another step, and another.

Soon you could be well on your way. Soon you could have it done.

Don’t leave yourself wondering what might have been and regretting what could have been. Get out there, even though the cold wind is blowing, experience the full beauty of the world and of your life in it.

Talk yourself back into those valuable opportunities you’ve been avoiding. Discover again and again how much good you can do.

— Ralph Marston

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