Saturday, November 27, 2021
Push through
You will meet with outer and inner resistance from many different directions. Be ready, be willing to push through it.
You can come to feel weary, disenchanted, doubtful, and distracted. You can also turn away from those feelings and commit yourself to push forward anyway.
Much of the resistance you encounter depends on you to support it with your misgivings, to play along with it. But you never have to do that.
Turn your attention instead to your purpose. That purpose offers you the strength to push through, to push beyond whatever resists it.
The resistance can be persistent. Yet your intentional self can be even more persistent.
Feel your purpose, feel your power, remind yourself why, and know how good it will be to achieve what you’ve set out to achieve. Push through the weariness, the doubt, the challenges, the efforts, and make the achievement happen.
Ralph Marston

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