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It is not love of self but hatred of self which is at the root of the troubles that afflict our world.
-- Eric Hoffer


Saturday, October 2, 2021

Reality always wins

Reality is often painful. Yet opposing reality is much more painful because it is ultimately impossible.

You can deny reality but your denial carries no weight beyond your own perception. Whether you accept it or not, reality always wins.

Your best choice is clear. Whatever dreams, goals, hopes, intentions you may have, be realistic.

Keep yourself on the side of truth, on the side of reality. Don’t let yourself be seduced into thinking, hoping, or acting contrary to what’s real and true.

The world presents you with an abundance of very real possibilities. Though it will take work, you can experience much goodness and fulfillment while at the same time being realistic.

As demanding as it may be, challenge yourself to keep your perceptions and expectations realistic. Reality always wins, so set yourself up to win along with it.

— Ralph Marston

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