virgin islands scene

No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.
-- William Blake


Friday, October 1, 2021

Ongoing care

The best time to do the hard stuff is while it’s easy. Get far enough ahead of your deadlines and you won’t become squeezed up against them.

Tend to the small problems early. That prevents them from becoming big problems.

Get in the habit of using your spare time to make modest, incremental progress. Before long you’ll discover your persistent efforts have resulted in major gains.

Routine maintenance and steady improvement are not as exciting as some of your other options. Yet they can save you from the trauma and expense of desperate emergency repair.

Every meaningful part of your life benefits from regular, ongoing care and attention. A great way to express gratitude for the good things you have is to keep them in good shape and improve upon them.

Rather than always wishing for more, put effort into making what you already have more valuable and durable. A little extra care today can improve the quality of all your tomorrows.

— Ralph Marston

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