Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Waiting for a sure thing
Pretty much no course of action is guaranteed to produce the exact results you seek. Yet there are countless actions that will significantly increase your odds.
Factors completely beyond your control may very well block you from reaching your goal. Your best strategy is to make the most of the many other factors you are indeed able to influence.
If you’re expecting a sure thing you’ll wait a very long time, and even then you’re not at all likely to get it. Instead of holding out for a guarantee, go forward with whatever you have.
Yes, there’s the risk you’ll be wasting your efforts when there’s no assurance of success. However, that’s infinitely preferable to the certainty of wasting your time while you wait in vain for a sure thing.
Assess your risks, minimize them as much as you can, and then take action. Though the experience won’t be perfect, it’s a whole lot better than doing nothing.
Though you cannot precisely control the future, there’s much you can do to positively influence it. Now is your time not to wait but to act.
Ralph Marston

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