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Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification.
-- Martin H. Fischer


Monday, August 9, 2021

Expand life’s excellence

You seek to live with excellence, but the world does not cooperate. Live with excellence anyway.

Excellence is always yours to choose, even when it is not widely supported or encouraged. In fact, when there is minimal respect for excellence is when excellence is needed most.

Live with excellence, not out of arrogance but out of love. Live with excellence that is not dependent on outside support but courageous enough to exist on its own terms.

The value of excellence is not based on who is looking or who is not. You know what is good, what is right, what is excellent and beautiful, and that’s more than sufficient.

Treasure excellence, savor it, learn from it, gain inspiration from it, emulate it, create it, share it. But don’t get caught up in what anyone thinks of it or does with it.

Take the strength and skill you have earned, and expand on life’s excellence. With excellence, make every day the best opportunity ever.

— Ralph Marston

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