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Sin makes its own hell, and goodness its own heaven.
-- Mary Baker Eddy


Saturday, August 7, 2021

Visualize and act

Visualize yourself starting, visualize yourself persisting, and visualize yourself finishing. Then do what you envision.

If you can’t get yourself to take action, then get yourself to visualize taking action. Use the power of that vision to push yourself into action.

In your vision, see the necessary effort and see the positive outcome of that effort. See that it’s worth your time and trouble, and see yourself going ahead with it.

Provide yourself with a vision that inspires you. Empower yourself with a vision that fills you with enthusiasm.

At any time, in any condition, without any special tools or skills, you can visualize a positive future. You can make that vision compelling enough to get you creating that future.

Visualize and then act on your vision. See clearly that you can do it, and you will.

— Ralph Marston

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