virgin islands scene

Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable.
-- John Kenneth Galbraith


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Do what adds value

Do what adds value to life. Do what adds meaning, joy, and beauty to the world.

When deciding how to spend your time, ask yourself a simple question. Will this add richness to my life or the lives of others, or will it merely waste precious time?

Keep reminding yourself of the opportunities available to you. Keep reminding yourself that at any moment you’re either moving forward or moving backward.

Choose to go forward. Choose to expand upon the goodness.

Even the smallest improvement is infinitely preferable to no improvement. And there’s always some improvement, large, small, or in between, that you can make.

Imagine what would happen if you made meaningful use of every moment. Then bring the best of what you imagine to life by putting it into action.

— Ralph Marston

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