virgin islands scene

Life has a way of overgrowing its achievements as well as its ruins.
-- Edith Wharton


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Better than rudeness

There is no situation, no interaction, that is improved by rudeness. When you are frustrated, lashing out at someone else does nothing to ease that frustration.

Rude, vengeful behavior creates captivating drama on reality television shows. But it is a disastrous way to live real life.

When you have a problem with someone else’s behavior, don’t make it your goal to merely call out that behavior. Respond with the intent of solving the problem rather than escalating it.

When there’s a lack of kindness and an abundance of thoughtlessness, adding rudeness will not help. What will improve the situation is when someone steps forward and offers respect and consideration.

You can be the person to do that. You can advance the whole situation far beyond the useless and destructive exchange of rudeness.

Choose an approach that solves the problem rather than merely satisfying your ego. There’s always an option that works much better than rudeness.

— Ralph Marston

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