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Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul; Unbelief, in denying them.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Truth is worth the cost

The truth can be terribly painful. Yet avoiding the truth is worse.

As difficult as it may be, acknowledging the truth and carefully examining it adds to your understanding. The more clarity you achieve about why your life is the way it is, the better you will do going forward.

What painful truths about yourself, about others, about the world, have you been hiding from? Think of all the good things those truths could now teach you.

Like anything of value, wisdom is not free. You earn wisdom by asking why, and by being truthful with your answers.

There are endless ways to continue distracting yourself from the difficult truths, past and present, in your life. But by giving in to those distractions you deny yourself the strength, growth, understanding, and sense of purpose that truth can bring.

Seek truth, see truth, accept truth, however painful, unpopular and inconvenient it might be. Truth is at the root of every good thing you have, and truth is worth the cost.

— Ralph Marston

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