Monday, April 19, 2021
Beautiful burden
The potential of this day weighs heavily on you. To ease that burden, you must actualize that potential.
Opportunity is also obligation. At a distance good fortune seems like a reward, yet up close it is also a great challenge and responsibility.
That’s because goodness and value are not static things. They must constantly find expression in the dynamics of living, or they cease to exist.
To the extent you rest upon achievement, or begin to take it for granted, you degrade and devalue that achievement. Instead, show your full gratitude for it by making full use of it.
The hours ahead are calling you to fill them with meaning. The years to come are insisting that you live them with purpose, in the best interest of you and of life itself.
Embrace the beautiful burden of your own potential. Treat everything you can be as the valuable and precious thing it is.
Ralph Marston

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