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Self-trust is the first secret to success.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Saturday, March 13, 2021

Bring your courage forth

You must give up some degree of certainty in order to act. You must give up being where you are in order to move forward.

Every bit of progress you’ve made has been an expression of courage. Today you can extend that progress with more courage.

In places you least want to go, doing what you least want to do, you gain your most valuable rewards. You have the courage to do great things, if you will let yourself use it.

You have good reasons to fear the unknown. Yet you also possess the skills to perceive and adapt to all kinds of situations you cannot yet imagine.

Don’t be reckless, but do be courageous. You owe it to yourself, and to all of life, to transform potential into richness.

Today you’ll encounter opportunities to bring your courage forth. Notice those opportunities and choose to act on them.

— Ralph Marston

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