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The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
-- Socrates


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Reward yourself with responsibility

Nothing will solve your problems until you take responsibility for them. That truth is built more deeply into life than you can imagine.

You cannot escape the necessity of taking responsibility. Seeking to hand that responsibility off to others only makes your situation worse.

Yes, others can be of great help to you, and yes, others may very well be to blame for your situation. Nevertheless, you must take responsibility for it, and once you do so, good things begin to happen.

Take responsibility, and you liberate yourself from the oppression of your own denial. You see reality more clearly, and you find ways to increase that clarity.

You begin to discover your own power and effectiveness, and you begin to add to it. Taking responsibility is not easy, comfortable, or convenient, yet it’s really your only choice.

You’re rewarded with a measure of control over the way your life unfolds and an ability to respond to whatever comes. Give yourself that ability, without hesitation, without condition.

— Ralph Marston

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