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Myths which are believed in tend to become true.
-- George Orwell


Saturday, September 5, 2020

Courageous competence

When you neglect to take action you open yourself to fear. When you back away from the challenges, fear gains the power to overwhelm you.

The way forward is not to wait or wish for someone to solve all your problems and make you safe. The way forward is to get innovative and ambitious, to actively do everything you can.

Each effort makes you more familiar with what you can do. You grow more effective, more confident, more courageous.

Sure, there are limits to what you’re able to do. Yet by taking every positive action available you begin to exceed those limits and expand your possibilities.

Acknowledge the risk, respect the danger, and act with focus, care, and competence. Take the reasonable, prudent actions available to you, and soon you’ll be able to do even more.

Be fully informed by the challenges but not stopped by them. Do everything you can, and let your courageous competence move life forward.

— Ralph Marston

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