virgin islands scene

Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Friday, September 4, 2020

Live the beauty

Feast your soul upon the beauty that’s in each moment. Be drawn into the beauty stretching out in every direction.

Beauty’s purpose is to be experienced, to be appreciated, to be loved. Give beauty its fulfillment by opening yourself to it, by finding joy in its sublime presence.

Listen to the beautiful songs being sung. Watch as stories of new and unique beauty unfold.

Draw energy from the beauty. Let it carry you away from your own tiny assumptions and give you a taste of the infinite.

Stop striving so earnestly to zero in on a clever purpose. Allow beauty to fill you, to move you, inspire you, and authentic purpose will engulf your whole being.

Experience truth in its most compelling and magnificent form. See the beauty, live the beauty, be the beauty.

— Ralph Marston

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