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A discriminating irreverence is the creator and protector of human liberty.
-- Mark Twain


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Improving your outcome

When your efforts are not producing desired results, that’s not a reason to stop. It’s a reason to adjust, and to keep going.

Quitting doesn’t improve your outcome. Perseverance is what will create the outcome you desire.

When you’re disappointed with the way things have unfolded, that’s no reason to run away and hide. It’s a reason to get more involved in making the future brighter than the past.

Don’t become immobilized by regrettable results. Instead, make good use of what you learn from them and the way you feel about them.

Based on the new experience you’ve gained, re-orient your efforts to be more effective. Tap into the energy of your disappointment and point it in a positive direction.

See the undesirable outcome for what it is, the first step toward your desired outcome. Then move forward and do the rest of the work to take you exactly where you want to be.

— Ralph Marston

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