virgin islands scene

Old age is fifteen years older than I am.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes


Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Let resistance fall away

Much of what makes anything difficult is your resistance to it. That’s a difficulty you can quickly eliminate whenever you choose.

There’s nothing inherently difficult about getting up at five in the morning to work out. Once you drop the resistance to it, once you’re fully committed, it becomes a pleasure rather than a difficulty.

The resistance is real, powerful. Yet you have control over it.

If you know you must, if you know it’s best, then drop your resistance and get it done. When you are fearful, frustrated, annoyed, apathetic, those are things you can change.

Rather than permitting your resistance to make excuses, engage your chosen, focused efforts to make progress. Give your intentions precedence over your resistance.

Choose not to fight against your own possibilities, capabilities, and ambitions. Let your resistance fall away, and let your own dynamic life take its place.

— Ralph Marston

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