Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Make the choice
When you have a choice, make the choice. Think about it, but don’t overthink it.
You can spend a lot of time constructing all sorts of hypothetical scenarios. Yet the scenario that really matters is the one that actually unfolds.
The only way to know for sure which option is best is to act on one of the options. The only way to know for sure the best way to begin, is to actually begin.
Make the choice and quickly put it into action. If the choice is not right for you, not workable for the situation, you’ll know it soon enough, and you can make changes.
Before you put your choice into action, there’s simply no way to be certain what the perfect choice will be. That’s the case whether you’re deciding what to say, what to buy, what to write, where to go, or what to do.
Give it some thought, give it some serious consideration, and then move quickly to give it something much more. Give it your commitment and your action.
Ralph Marston

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