virgin islands scene

Hope is patience with the lamp lit.
-- Tertullian


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Always more you can learn

Are you sure about that? Certainty is nice, and feels good, but it’s not always accurate.

Sometimes certainty can get in the way of truth. You can be so sure of one thing that you’re unable to see anything else.

Know what you know, believe what you believe, yet have some humility. No one knows it all, and everyone can benefit from discovering more.

You’ve changed your mind before, and you’re likely to do so again. Keep yourself open to the possibility that you could be mistaken.

Make finding the truth a higher priority than proving you’re right. Your knowledge grows stronger, more useful, when you’re not stubborn about it.

Be confident in what you know, but don’t let yourself become so arrogant you dismiss everything else. There’s always more you can learn.

— Ralph Marston

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