virgin islands scene

It's better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.
-- Elizabeth Kenny


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Set your expectations high

What you expect is what you work toward. What you work toward determines what you end up creating and experiencing in your life.

Your expectations for the future guide and energize your efforts in the present. So your best option is to make those expectations positive and desirable.

Expect the most favorable outcome. Then let that expectation push you to take persistent, positive action.

You cannot know with certainty if or when your positive expectations will all be realized. Yet you can benefit from them no matter what.

Although not all of your efforts will bear fruit, you’re much better off making those efforts than doing nothing. And your expectations provide a driving force to power those efforts.

Set your expectations high, and set yourself to work in their direction. Enjoy the benefits of knowing where you’re going, and of going where you choose.

— Ralph Marston

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