Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Think well
Think well of the moment, and you will do well with it. Think well of the people you encounter, and make those encounters more fruitful.
Everything you do, begins with how you think. Every word, every facial expression, every action, has origin in thought.
The way you think of this day determines how you live it, and what you make of it. The way you think of each situation, each turn of events, guides and directs your specific responses.
A successful day, month, year, flows from a successful, positive frame of mind. You can’t think negatively about life and then make something good and valuable out of it.
With your thoughts you decide what you focus upon, what you invest yourself in, what you do with what you have. Choose those thoughts that lead you in the direction you most want to live.
Think well of life. You’ll experience and fulfill it accordingly.
Ralph Marston

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