Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Establish a target
What’s the best outcome you can imagine? Go into the situation expecting to get that outcome.
Expect the best, and if reality doesn’t match your expectations, go to work on that reality. Work relentlessly in the direction of your expectations.
Your expectations dictate what you’re willing to accept and what you’re not willing to accept, from yourself, from others. Set those expectations high and your results will follow accordingly, because you’ll see to it that they do so.
Your expectations won’t magically materialize into reality. What they will do is firmly establish a target.
That target exerts influence whether you’re consciously thinking about it or not. Your choices, your actions, your level of performance will aim toward your expectations.
Expect the best. And you’ll instinctively focus your efforts, your energy, everything you have, on making it so.
Ralph Marston

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