Thursday, May 23, 2019
Today’s joys
Later is too late. Live today’s joys today.
Honor your commitments, do your work. But don’t let it become an excuse to put off the joys you can create and experience right now.
Joy refreshes you, inspires you, energizes you. And there’s a lot of good you can do with that energy.
Joy connects you with purpose, with love, with all you value. Joy reminds you why you do what you do, why you seek what you seek.
Joy is yours to choose here, now. Joy asks only that you allow it, express it, share it, and when you do, the moment is filled with its energy.
Offer the value of joy to those you’re with, to where you are, to what you’re doing. Live today’s joys, for the only time to do so is now.
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©2019 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.