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Some people change their ways when they see the light; others when they feel the heat.
-- Caroline Schoeder


Thursday, May 16, 2019

Appreciate your life

Right now you have life, awareness, intelligence, time and space in which to act. You have the ability to connect with others, opportunities to observe, to learn, to care, to make a difference.

You can think and plan, act and create. You can sense and feel and make good, smart choices.

All these powerful resources and capabilities are so familiar, it’s easy to take them for granted. You’ll benefit, however, from regularly reminding yourself of them, and of all the good things you have.

When you consciously appreciate what you have, you naturally make better use of it all. Gratitude strengthens your connection to the abundance in your world.

There are very real advantages to being who you are, to having what you have. Remind yourself of those advantages, and open yourself to new possibilities.

Truly appreciate your life, along with everything it encompasses. And do good, valuable, fulfilling things with it all.

— Ralph Marston

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