virgin islands scene

The problem with communication ... is the illusion that it has been accomplished.
-- George Bernard Shaw


Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Focus on it

Don’t let your awareness become diluted into insignificance by a bewildering accumulation of random stimuli. Guide yourself with clear intention through meaningful, authentic experiences.

Be fully where you are. Focus completely on what you are doing.

If you attempt multiple things at once, you won’t do any of them well. You have the power for amazing feats of achievement, when you choose to focus that power on one task at a time.

You have a world of information in the palm of your hand. Yet true wisdom comes when you look up from the screen, into the eyes of the person you’re with, and really listen, really engage, really focus and understand.

Pay attention, and connect yourself to the unique value of the moment you’re in. Don’t let your awareness run away from the rich opportunities that are right in front of you.

It’s ridiculously easy to distract yourself, and extremely foolish. There is great treasure right here, right now, if you’ll simply discipline yourself to focus on it.

— Ralph Marston

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