virgin islands scene

You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.
-- James A. Froude


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Old treasures

What treasures do you have in your life that you’ve forgotten you have? What good things did you set aside for a while, and neglected to come back to?

Whatever held your love, curiosity, or fascination years ago could still have much to offer you. There was a good reason why it once was part of your life, and that reason might be even more powerful now.

A book you first read years ago may now hold much more meaning. An old friend from whom you’ve grown apart could now have much more in common with you.

Subjects that interested you when you were much younger still have a message for you today. Perhaps it would pay to think back, and to take another look.

Just because some things are old and familiar does not mean they are irrelevant. Now, with the advantage of time and experience, perhaps you can find deeper meaning and value in a few of those things.

Life’s ongoing urgencies and compromises have likely covered up some treasures that still are somewhere within you. Give yourself a chance to rediscover and reconnect with them.

— Ralph Marston

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