virgin islands scene

Happiness is activity.
-- Aristotle


Monday, March 18, 2019

Use your strength

You are strong. Use that strength.

You don’t have to be imprisoned by idleness. You don’t have to be immobilized by excuses.

You’re strong enough to get past the harmful temptations. You’re strong enough to get up, get going, and get good work done.

You have the strength to press forward in the face of difficulty and discouragement. You have the strength to persist in your efforts for as long as necessary.

Very soon, you will be very thankful for making use of your strength today, now when you have the chance. And you’ll be even stronger for having done so.

Rather than allowing your strength to sit idle and wither, make use of it. Put your strength to good purpose, and push your world in a positive direction.

— Ralph Marston

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