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No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking.
-- Voltaire


Friday, November 17, 2017

Positive action

Positive action is only a single, momentary choice away from a negative mindset. Make that choice and suddenly you are free of the negativity.

When you are feeling cynical, dismayed, angry, frustrated, decide to abruptly interrupt that pattern. Point your considerable amount of energy in a positive direction.

Whatever may have already happened, there is nothing at all that says you have to continue on a destructive trajectory. You have every reason in the world to turn it all around with positive action.

Imagine how great that transformation will feel. Know that it is absolutely within your power to make it, immediately.

When you’ve sunk into the deepest depths, even a tiny positive change can feel like the best thing ever. Make that change, feel its goodness, its rightness, and build on it.

Activate the control you have, utilize the choice you have and transform a negative perspective into positive action, positive power. Take the energy you’ve paid dearly to generate, and turn it all toward something beautiful.

— Ralph Marston

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