virgin islands scene

Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life.
-- Bertolt Brecht


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Consistent effort

Occasional effort can create the illusion of success. Consistent effort is what brings lasting success, achievement, fulfillment.

Are you working out once or twice every couple of weeks, or every day? Are you writing a chapter just when you feel like it, or every morning before breakfast?

Your life is too precious to merely dabble. In work, in play, in health, wisdom and relationships, you deserve the luscious fruits that consistent effort will bring.

A single heroic effort might be fun and impressive, but is soon forgotten. Yet small, unassuming efforts, when repeated with consistency, can bring a never-ending stream of value.

If you’ve done it once, you can do it again, and again. When you do, great things result.

Give your life and your world the benefit of your best effort, not once, not twice, but over and over again. With consistent effort, build a path all the way to your most treasured dreams.

— Ralph Marston

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