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Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
-- St Francis of Assisi


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

All the way

Don’t waste your previous efforts by giving up now. Go all the way to the finish, to the achievement, to the reward.

If what you’ve done is not working, be thankful for the priceless lesson. Then take what you’ve paid so dearly to learn, upgrade your efforts, and keep going.

Fulfill the promise you made to yourself when you made the commitment to achieve. Do what you must to go all the way and bring the achievement to life.

Don’t get caught up in whether it’s hard or easy, simple or complicated, convenient or frustrating. Point your eyes toward the goal, take the next step forward, and the next and the next, all the way there.

The hours of this day will pass quickly, and now is your chance to fill them with real progress. You have what it takes to complete the next task, and to take yourself all the way.

Soon you’ll reap the reward in which you’ve invested so much of yourself. Persist now in your efforts, and get yourself all the way there.

— Ralph Marston

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