virgin islands scene

When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
-- Yogi Berra


Monday, August 7, 2017

Feel great

The news is troubling, the weather is unpleasant, people are rude and uncooperative. Even so, especially so, feel great about today.

Feel great that you can be a beacon of hope, of encouragement, of competence, to a world that badly needs it. Feel great about the opportunity you have to make a positive difference.

Feel great that the value of your life does not depend on random circumstance. Feel great because you can decide to do so.

Feel great about what you can get done, right now. Feel great as you experience yourself doing it.

Feel great, and do all you can to make your great feeling highly contagious. Feel great, and be pleasantly surprised at how many other positive people you encounter.

Feel great, and let the positive energy flow into every action you take. Feel great, and discover how much your positive feeling can improve the world around you.

— Ralph Marston

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