Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Add your courage
Your life benefits greatly from the courage of those who have gone before you. Add your own courage to the legacy, and expand those benefits.
Courage is not being free of all fear. Courage happens when you free yourself to act in spite of doubts and fears.
Courage knows there is no guarantee of success, and proceeds anyway. Courage knows there will be inconvenience, pain, risk and disappointment.
And yet courage also knows the glory of the summit is worth the difficulty of the climb. The gain of each advance is worth the strain of making the effort.
Courage is yours the moment you decide to live it. Reach deep inside, feel the insatiable need to make a difference, and courage springs to life in you.
Life is carried forward each day, every millennia, with courage. Let the courage and its rewards flow freely, generously, passionately through you.
Ralph Marston

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