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Waiting for perfect is never as smart as making progress.
-- Seth Godin


Friday, June 2, 2017

Too busy

When you say you are too busy to do something, what does that really mean? It means you have given priority, for whatever reason, to something else.

If a large, speeding truck was headed right toward you, would you be too busy to get out of the way? Of course you would not be too busy to quickly jump to safety, for at that moment it would be your top priority.

Are you frustrated because you always seem to be too busy to give time and attention to those things that truly matter? That sense of frustration is attempting to tell you something.

Think for a moment about the areas of your life you value and treasure most. If you’re too busy to give time to them, then ask yourself what you’re so busy doing, and why.

It’s a great excuse to say you’re too busy. But a much better approach is to make time in your life for what’s most important.

Instead of bragging or complaining about how busy you are, consider the ways you fill your time. Make the commitment to do less of what doesn’t matter, and more of what does.

— Ralph Marston

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